Check Interview List page for Transfer candidates invited for interview on the 26th of July 2024.>>>>>> Interview Fee: N15,000, Time: 8:00AM, Venue: Sacred Heart College Apapa.>>>>>>

Be Charitable Towards All

We implement a Code of Conduct hinged on our College's Core Values: Getting Along, Respect, Organization, Ownership, Emotional Resilience, Innovation, Confidence, Truth and Charity.

Here in SHC, students from diverse backgrounds are taught to get along with one another by respecting one another and the staff. This teaching requires that they create a forum to protect their belongings and schools' property. Students are made to know that academic excellence can only be achieved when one is organized and innovative. We teach them to be emotionally resilient by building a strong sense of character and to be confident to tell the truth at all times no matter how it hurts. These help them to own up to every action of theirs. They crown it all by being charitable towards all.

Specific details of what is expected of each student while abiding by the terms of the Code of Conduct, things that constitute offences and corresponding punishments are contained in the Students' Handbook; given to every student on admission.

All students are expected to adhere strictly to the school's Code of Conduct in their daily dealings. Sanctions for offences are carried out with immediate effect according to the Students' Handbook and with an eye to correcting the offender and forestalling further occurrence.
